Tick Tips

Tick avoidance tips for people with alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)

Ticks and alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)

Tick bites cause AGS. In the U.S., most cases are caused by lone star ticks, which are common in the southern, midwestern, and mid-Atlantic United States.

If you have alpha-gal syndrome, it is important to avoid tick bites, because new bites can make your AGS worse. On the other hand, if you avoid new tick bites, you may eventually be able to add mammalian foods back into your diet under the supervision of your allergist.

Lone star ticks 

In the U.S., most AGS cases are caused by lone star tick bites. Lone star ticks are most common in late spring through early fall, but they can be active year-round any time temperatures are above freezing.

Unlike other ticks that quest for hosts, lone star ticks don’t always sit and wait. They hunt you. If you are stationary (e.g. standing, sitting, gardening, picnicking), they will detect your odor and rapidly crawl several yards to find you. Ticks cannot jump or fly.

All stages of lone star ticks can cause AGS. Lone star tick larvae are very tiny and are often confused with chiggers. In summer through early fall, you may encounter swarms of hundreds of larvae. When people receive many larval tick bites at once, this seems to increase their chance of developing AGS. 

Click image to enlarge

Lone star tick female
Source: CDC

Lone star tick female
Source: CDC

Lone star tick nymph
Source: CDC

Engorged LST female
Source: CDC

Lone star tick larvae

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Click image to enlarge

Bites from lone star tick larvae

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Lone Star Ticks PDF

Download a PDF with facts about lone star ticks and tips on how to avoid their bites.

Avoiding tick bites 

This brochure has tips for avoiding ticks bites, with an emphasis on techniques that work against lone star ticks. These techniques have been test driven by tick experts and the AGS community. 

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Click image to enlarge

Download Avoiding Tick Bites PDF

Tick bite avoidance products

Sawyer Permethrin Fabric Treatment

For clothing and gear

Lymeez Tick Gaiters

Lymeez® patented 3D Mesh Tick Gaiters are purpose-built to intercept ticks and halt ticks on their climb.

Lint roller

Roll  over your clothes to pick up tiny nymph and larval ticks that you might otherwise miss.

TickEase Tick Tweezers

For tick removal

YYXLIFE Double-sided carpet tape

Very sticky and good at trapping ticks.

TRAZON Double-sided carpet tape

Less sticky, peels off your boots more easily. You can wrap the tops of your boots with this tape, then put the stickier tape on top of it.

Insect Shield

Commercial permethrin treatment

Permethrin treated clothes can help protect you from tick bites.

Buy Insect Shield clothing that is pre-treated with permethrin or have Insect Shield treat your own clothes with permethrin

Tick repellents

The Most Effective Tick Repellents for Humans (and Dogs), According to Science

Additional resources

CDC Ticks

Information about ticks, tick-borne diseases, tick bite prevention, removing ticks and more, from the Centers from Disease Conrtol and Prevention


The TickEncounter Resource Center promotes tick-bite protection and tickborne disease prevention by engaging, educating, and empowering people to take action.

Ticks and Alpha-gal Syndrome

Information for people with AGS about ticks and how to protect yourself from them. From Alpha-gal Information.

Tick Report's Passive Surveillance Database

Visit Tick Report’s Passive Surveillance Database to learn about which species of ticks are being found in your area.