
A guide to antivenom & alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)

Alpha-gal syndrome
and antivenom

Responding to
venomous snake bites

Select publications
on AGS and antivenom

Alpha-gal syndrome and antivenom

Anti-venom: Alpha-gal is present in anti-venom formulations because these purified fragments are derived from venom-immunized non-primate mammals. There has been at least one case report of an acute reaction to CroFab in a patient with AGS. Despite this report, we advise administration of CroFab if clinically indicated even in patients with AGS as the risk of reaction to anti-venom has not been established in this scenario and may be quite low while, on the contrary, the therapeutic benefit of anti-venom is high.

Commins SP. Diagnosis & management of alpha-gal syndrome: lessons from 2,500 patients. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2020;16(7):667-677.

Anti-venom: The presence of α-Gal epitopes in anti-venom formulations, which are purified Fab fragments derived from polyclonal IgG of venom-immunized non-primate mammals, was convincingly shown by Fischer et al. Importantly, the anti-venom elicited basophil activation in an in vitro experiment with cells derived from a subject with the α-Gal syndrome. There has been at least one case report of an acute reaction to CroFab in an α-Gal sensitized subject which was attributed to the α-Gal syndrome.
Platts-Mills TAE, Li RC, Keshavarz B, Smith AR, Wilson JM. Diagnosis and Management of Patients with the α-Gal Syndrome. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020;8(1):15-23.e1.

Both the presence of alpha-gal in some snake antivenom, such as crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (CroFab) (6,50,51,57), and its association with severe reactions in patients with alpha-gal syndrome has been established (6,50,51,57).

If an envenomation requires antivenom, National Snakebite Support recommends that you treat with antivenom, even if you have alpha-gal syndrome. 

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Responding to venomous snake bites

If an envenomation requires antivenom, you treat with antivenom. There is no absolute contraindication.

All antivenoms have alpha-gal to some extent. We have two options when treating an AGS patient with antivenom. We can monitor really carefully and treat if/when signs and symptoms develop, or we can pre-medicate with antihistamines +/- steroids with epinephrine available. You never want to withhold antivenom when it is really necessary. We can treat an allergic reaction.

Dr. Spencer Greene

Accessed February 24, 2025.

In the event of a venomous snake bite, contact the National Snakebite Support. National Snakebite Support™ (NSS) connects snakebite victims and healthcare providers with experts who practice and promote evidence-based snakebite management. NSS is familiar with management of snake bites in patients with AGS. 

Select publications
on AGS and antivenom