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Alpha-gal Syndrome

an allergy and a tick-borne condition

AGS is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergy to alpha-gal (galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose), a sugar found in most mammals, except for old world monkeys, apes, and people. Products made from or containing ingredients derived from mammals, including many foods and drugs, can also contain alpha-gal.

More than 60% of people with AGS have life-threatening, anaphylactic reactions,1,2,3 and a number of fatalities have occurred as a result of reactions to alpha-gal.4,5,6

Tick bites cause AGS.7In the United States, most cases are associated with lone star ticks, which are most common in the southern, midwestern, and mid-Atlantic United States.8


Courtesy of Alpha-gal Information, an Alpha-gal Alliance project

ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code


Allergy to mammalian meats

2025 Labcorp Test Code


Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), IgE

2025 Quest Test Code


Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) IgE

Resources for Providers

Grand rounds

CME & education

Publications Database

More Provider Resources

Red meat allergy

Information on the three dominant forms of red meat allergy


A guide to diagnosis of alpha-gal syndrome


Find animal-free drugs and medical devices

Fun quizzes

Test your knowledge of AGS!

Medical Products

Everyday drugs




Resources for Patients


Resources for the newly diagnosed

Anaphylaxis Resources

More Patient Resources


Information about cofactors like alcohol and exercise

Tick Tips

Tips for avoiding tick bites

Medical Products

Medical products resources for patients
Coming soon

Highly Sensitive

Resources for patients who are highly sensitive to alpha-gal
Coming soon

More information

Alpha-gal Information

Learn more about alpha-gal syndrome at Alpha-gal Information (AGI), the most extensive resource on alpha-gal syndrome.


Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s alpha-gal syndrome pages.

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