Resources for the Newly Diagnosed

A guide for patients with alpha-gal syndrome (AGS)

Start here

Checklist for the Newly Diagnosed

Info about anaphylaxis, creating an emergency kit, communicating w/ doctors, co-factors, medical bracelets, food, tolerance levels, and more, from Alpha-gal Information.

AGS resources

Dr. Commins' FAQs--COMING SOON!

Dr. Scott Commins answers patients frequently asked questions

CDC: Alpha-gal Syndrome

Information on alpha-gal syndrome from the CDC

Alpha-gal Information

Information about alpha-gal syndrome from patients, for patients

Two Alpha Gals

Candice and Debbie’s guide to living with alpha-gal syndrome

Sage Alpha Gal

Smart Tips for Living with Alpha-Gal Syndrome

Medical ID
bracelets and apps

MedicAlert ID

Medical information bracelets, wallet cards, and more

Road ID

Medical information bracelets and more

Medical ID App

Use this app to store your medical info on Android phones. For iPhones, use the Health app.

General allergy resources


FARE’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies, and to provide them hope through the promise of new treatments.

Allergic Living

The leading website for food allergy news and feature reporting. Coverage includes school, travel and managing stress: digital magazine, recipes, and more.

Food Allergy Counselor Directory

Locate an allergy-informed therapist near you.

Join a clinical trial

If you live in the U.S., find clinical trials here.

Enter “alpha-gal syndrome” into the “Conditions/disease” box, then click on the search button.